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Single Touch Payroll Phase Two (STP2) 

SuperChoice STP2 solution is ready to go when you are

Both our API and Employer solution are live in production, ready to support your STP2 file submissions.

To help you get ready for your deferral date, we have a UAT space that mimics the live ATO experience so you can trouble shoot any issues before you submit your first STP2 report. 


What it means for you

STP2 is a move towards more complete digital records and reporting. Making it easier for everyone.

The way employers manage Single Touch Payroll won't change. 

What stays the same

  • The way you lodge your STP report today

  • STP reports are still due on or before payday unless you are eligible for a reporting concession

  • the types of payments that are in scope for STP reporting

  • taxation and superannuation obligations

  • end of year finalisation requirements.


  • Structured and simplified reporting by employers to the ATO.

  • Standardisation of payroll components into groupings for simpler.

  • Implementation of payrolls and EOY housekeeping by employers.

  • Realignment of income and data fields for simpler reporting.

  • Phase 2 isn’t a new build, it’s a remapping exercise.

  • Clearer & cleaner data remove misunderstanding around the use of BMS ID & Payroll ID which resulted in duplicate records.


  • All your information will be in one place –
    My Gov.

  • Less paperwork and more complete digital record.

  • It will be easier to understand how you’re getting paid and how it’s defined by income type.

  • The breakdown will make it easier to identify payment types for tax and reporting purposes.

  • Making, tax time easier and understandable.
    It’s all there and your tax accountant can categorise payments made to you as per ATO standards.


  • Makes it easier to distinguish between the BMS ID & Payroll ID with no risk of duplication.

  • Alignment of your payroll components into specific groups to simplify the payment system to employees.

Simplified admin

No more employee letters to explain payments in arrears.
No more manual reporting of child support payments.
No more lodging of employee TFN declarations.

What you need to do to get ready

If you're an employer

Talk with your payroll software solution provider to switch over to STP2.

If you're a payroll provider who uses our API or Employer Portal solution we're ready to go

Our API test environment is ready for you to pre-submit files and check they meet ATO guidelines before your first live submission.

Do you have a deferral date?

Payroll providers (DSPs) can apply to the ATO to defer their start date.
If you're an employer and your payroll provider gets an extension, you will automatically qualify for the extension too.


For employers wanting to extend their timeline independently of their payroll provider, you need to apply via the ATO.

Details can be found on their website.


What's changed in STP2

The ATO Needs More Information

Phase two will make it easier for employers to report specific payment details made to employees across all income streams.

A. Gross Income, a breakdown which includes:

o    Gross residual (excluding below)
o    Salary Sacrifice (including Salary Sacrifice Super & other Salary Sacrifice)
o    Bonus & Commissions
o    Overtime
o    Director Fees
o    Paid Leave (not limited to; Cash-out of leave, Paid Parental, Workers Compensation).

B. Allowances, a breakdown which includes: 
o    Car expense, laundry allowances, meal allowance, travel, accommodation.

New Fields Will Be Introduced To Give More Accurate Descriptions
  • employment basis

  • reason for cessation

  • tax scale

  • offset amount

Simpler, Better Reporting

Automated reports
Child support agencies will automatically receive reports for deductions or wage garnishing as a total for the period. No more separate reporting.


Easier to report on back payments
Updated capability to capture back-payments, and payments in arrears for previous reporting periods.

One less report
With the new format of the STP report, employers will no longer need to send in employees TFN declaration.

Updated Privacy Measures

Updated reporting capability to protect data with additional transition fields around the use of IDs, and ensuring previous data isn’t shown on screen.

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