International Solutions
We help you manage and pay pension schemes
Proven, secure digital transaction solutions
In Australia, we work in a highly regulated environment and have built our solutions to help employers comply with their obligations and simplify admin at the same time.
When you work with us you benefit from the experience (and hindsight) of implementing a mandated pension scheme and you can feel confident it works (we have been doing this since 1996).
Benefits of using SuperChoice Pension Solutions
Are you looking for an end-to-end solution that works the way you do?
Consider SuperChoice's ready-to-go Smart Enrol solution.
Simplify Admin
Our solutions connect everyone in the ecosystem - Funds, Employers, Employees, Government and the Tax Office.
Improve your data
Our solutions talk to your systems to transform your data into the format you need.
Solve your auto-enrolment problem
Our solution works throughout your member lifecycle.
Serving you and the industry
Advocate for consistent standards and streamlined digital transactions
Industry Involvement
SuperChoice plays a pivotal role in many Government and Industry forums.
With over 20 years of expertise in the digital transactions space and one of Australia’s original FinTech companies, we have a lot to offer.
We engage with Government to ensure that digital business solutions are developed that consider the needs of our clients – super funds, super administrators, insurance companies, payroll providers, or employers.
Our involvement in working groups and forums focuses encourages reform and adoption of digital transaction standards to achieve:
- cleaner and more complete data
- safer transactions
- high standards of security
- seamless administration
- robust reporting
Working Groups
Australian Tax Office (ATO)
Digital Service Providers Architecture Reference Group
Design Working Groups - STP, SuperStream, MIG V3, Employee Commencement, Digital Identity
Technical Working Groups - STP, SuperStream, Operational Framework
STP Readiness Working Group
Software Working Group - STP, SuperStream, E-Invoicing
Superannuation Data Standard Technical Group
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)
New Data Collection Solution Technical Working Group
Association of Superannuation Funds Australia (ASFA)
ASP Super Administrator Forum
Digital Service Providers Australia New Zealand
SuperChoice appointed Director
Chair, Security SIG
Chair, SuperStream SIG
Gateway Network Governance Body (GNGB)
Founding party
SuperChoice appointed Director
Member, Remuneration Committee
Chair, Security Committee
The Association of Payroll Specialists (TAPS)
Member, exhibitor and panellist
GATE (Gateway & Transaction Exchange)
Founding party
Chair, Board